DBLTAP 45-70 405GR HARDCAST 20/500

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DoubleTap Ammunition Hardcast Solid, 45-70 Government, 405Gr, Hard Cast, 20 Round Box 4570405HC
  • Availability: Out of Stock
  • Brand: DoubleTap Ammunition
  • Item#: 0024993

DoubleTap Ammunition Hardcast Solid, 45-70 Government, 405Gr, Hard Cast, 20 Round Box 4570405HC

A 45-70 load that will deliver superior penetration on big game and remain safe to shoot through all guns chambered in 45-70 (except the old trap-door style). This load runs at 25000psi yet has the ballistics found in much higher pressure cartridges. Deer elk moose hogs and bear will not like this one!


DoubleTap Ammunition
45-70 Government
Grain Weight
Qty per Box
Hard Cast

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