FED PR STORM 20GA 3" #6 LEAD 25/250

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Federal Premium, Prairie Storm, 20 Gauge 3", FS Lead, #6, 3 Dr, 1 1/4 oz, 25 Round Box PFX258FS6
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Brand: Federal
  • Item#: 0031693

Federal Premium, Prairie Storm, 20 Gauge 3", FS Lead, #6, 3 Dr, 1 1/4 oz, 25 Round Box PFX258FS6

Federal's Premium Prairie Storm FS Lead uses the Flightcontrol wad and a mixed payload of standard pellets and Flightstopper lead to produce full, consistent patterns. Excellent retained velocity and energy mean increased lethality and fewer lost birds.



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