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Magpul Industries Magazine, PMAG, 308 Winchester/762NATO, 10 Rounds, Fits Sig Sauer Cross, AICS Pattern, Black MAG1169-BLK
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Brand: Magpul Industries
  • Item#: 0039931

Magpul Industries Magazine, PMAG, 308 Winchester/762NATO, 10 Rounds, Fits Sig Sauer Cross, AICS Pattern, Black MAG1169-BLK

The PMAG 10 7.62 AC - SIG CROSS is a reliable and durable polymer magazine for the .308 Winchester-based family of cartridges. Developed for the SIG CROSS rifle platform, it features a high-visibility follower with a feed ramp for empty chamber loading through the ejection port. It comes standard with a 10-round capacity for hunting regulation compliance, but the follower is easily modified to increase the capacity to six rounds for field, competition, or combat use. Featuring GEN M3 technology, a paint-pen dot matrix for visual identification, and a flared floor plate for positive control and ease of retrieval, the PMAG 10 7.62 AC -SIG CROSS brings unmatched reliability at an affordable price. Note: While intended for use in SIG CROSS rifles, the PMAG 10 7.62 AC - SIGCROSS may function with other short action AICS-SPEC bottom metal platforms.


Magpul Industries

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