RUGER AR-556 556N 16.1 30RD BLK BLEM

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Ruger AR-556, Semi-automatic Rifle, 223Rem/556NATO, 16.1" Medium Contour Cold Hammer Forged Barrel, MOE Pistol Grip, MOE Carbine Stock with 6-pos MilSpec Receiver Extension, MOE M-Lok Handguard, 1-30Rd PMag, Magpul Backup Flip Sight, BLEM (Damaged Box) 08515
  • Availability: Out of Stock
  • Brand: Ruger
  • Item#: 0042692

Ruger AR-556, Semi-automatic Rifle, 223Rem/556NATO, 16.1" Medium Contour Cold Hammer Forged Barrel, MOE Pistol Grip, MOE Carbine Stock with 6-pos MilSpec Receiver Extension, MOE M-Lok Handguard, 1-30Rd PMag, Magpul Backup Flip Sight, BLEM (Damaged Box) 08515


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